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All kids deserve to run, to play and to learn. But that isn’t always possible. 1000s of students in our schools do not have proper shoes. They face barriers like limited access to athletics, courage to try a game and confidence to raise their hand in class. Shoes, mean dignity and a running start at achievement.


Each year, The Foundation sources new shoes to specific sizes that fit growing feet. We work with donors, corporations and good-hearted humans to provide 2500 - 3000 pair of "cool," yet well-made Converse shoes to students who otherwise would be wearing tattered, ill-fitting, worn, broken shoes. One in three children in the U.S. are in poverty, and 97% of students in our school district are socio-economically disadvantaged. Shoes are one of the first signs of a child's poverty. It impacts their confidence and their long-term health.  

It's a very simple and tangible way we can help the next generation in our community rise up and reach their potential is by starting at the very bottom… with quality shoes that support students from the bottom up.

District Shoe Size Needs & Average Shoe Retail Price

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30% of Shoe Sizes 2-5

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65% of Shoe Sizes 6-9

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65% of Shoe Sizes 10-12

2021-2022 Shoe Distribution

2021-2022 Shoe Distribution

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Shoes for students. It may seem surprising that something as simple as a new pair of shoes can have such a profound effect, but research indicates that new shoes foster self-confidence and dignity, and lead to improved academic outcomes and in-class behaviors.

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