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What we want to be known for and how we want to be remembered are strong reflections of what matters most to us. Consider a Planned Gift to The Foundation.

How do you want to be remembered? 


It’s not surprising that a national survey published in Forbes indicated the vast majority of Americans (69%)* want to be known – and remembered – for living their values and the meaningful life lessons they’ve shared, as opposed to what they accumulated or achieved. In effect, it’s about the contribution and impact they’re making today – and can continue to make beyond – for the lives of their families and communities. What do you want to be known for? How do you want to be remembered?

The Regalo Society is the planned giving program for The Foundation for Palm Springs Unified School District. Through an estate plan or another planned giving vehicle, Regalo Society members create opportunities in our community to grow and develop young minds, explore talents and build flourishing futures.

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Leave your mark with a planned gift: Become a member of The Regalo Society

With a planned gift, you can transfer value from an asset to a worthy non-profit organization and leave an indelible mark on your community. This means that generations to come benefit by your care and generosity.

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Gifts can be designated to a specific purpose or program. Or, given the changing dynamics we face, often unrestricted gifts provide needed flexibility as student needs evolve. An unrestricted gift has latitude to fund innovative initiatives as they emerge. The Foundation Board of Directors determine the appropriate programs that will enhance the mission.


How do I make a gift to The Foundation for PSUSD?


While one of the most efficient and immediate gifts is a cash gift, a planned gift creates a meaningful, lasting impact that can be felt for decades. What’s more, many planned gifts offer immediate and long-term tax reduction advantages, and sometimes provide you with income.

There are many ways to create a lasting legacy for generations to come.

1. Bequest

A bequest is an efficient and easy way to create a planned gift. Quite simply, a bequest leaves a percentage of your estate, or designates a specific amount, to be given to the organization of your choice upon settling your estate. Using simple language, you can add a provision for a planned gift. We are happy to provide standard bequest language for you, if needed.


2. Gifts of Real Estate

Whether it be a personal residence, a vacation residence, developed or undeveloped property, real estate may be gifted to The Foundation. These gifts usually result in an immediate charitable income tax deduction and usually avoid capital gains tax on the sale of the property.  In addition to an outright gift of real property, a specific percentage of the property may be gifted to the Foundation. 


3. Gifts of Personal Property

Gifts like a painting or artworks, a collection of books or valued collectibles all are excellent items to consider gifting to The Foundation.  A gift of an automobile is also a welcome addition.  Gifts may be sold, with proceeds benefiting The Foundation, or used in fulfillment of our mission.


4. Gifts of Life Insurance

You can provide a significant future gift by giving an existing life insurance policy to The Foundation or, alternatively, by purchasing a new policy and naming The Foundation as the beneficiary. This is simple avenue and yet greatly increases the value of your gift to the Foundation.


5. Gifts of Securities

At any point in your life, you find that a gift of publicly traded or closely held securities makes the most financial sense. Ideal candidates for a planned gift are highly appreciated securities with the benefit of avoiding the capital gains taxation. In addition to avoiding capital gains tax, the gift provides an immediate charitable income tax deduction to the donor.  This is a savvy option to provide meaningful support to The Foundation’s programs and services.


6. IRA Distributions

Individuals 70-1/2 years or older are allowed to distribute up to $100,000 from their IRA directly to a qualified charity and pay no income tax on the distribution. This is referred to as a qualified charitable distribution and counts toward satisfying the individual’s required minimum distribution (RMD). Since the funds come directly from their IRA, the donor does not receive a charitable income tax deduction.


7. Donor-Advised Funds

A donor-advised fund is like a charitable investment account whose sole purpose is to support charitable organizations you care about. Contributing cash or securities to a donor-advised fund, means you’re often eligible to take an immediate charitable income tax deduction. Those funds may be invested for tax-free growth. Donors can then make grants from the donor-advised fund to The Foundation for Palm Springs Unified School District.

Tomorrow's tomorrow.


There are infinite ways to make a difference, to leave an enduring mark on your community. Yet one of the most powerful, proven ways is to begin at the beginning, with educational opportunities and innovative programs that go exceed classroom basics and equip 20,000+ students to make our world of tomorrow and tomorrow’s tomorrow better than today. Working with an organization with a relevant mission, focused on building innovative and creative thinkers of tomorrow, guarantees your gift will touch lives far beyond in ways unimaginable.

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We’d be grateful for the opportunity to explore planned giving opportunities that best suit your objectives. We have an experienced giving team available to meet one-on-one at your convenience. Please consult your personal financial advisor, accountant and attorney when making any decision on a planned gift. Download a copy of our Planned Giving Brochure.

Connect with Ellen Goodman, Director, or connect with any Foundation board members you may know. Reach us at: with Planned Giving as the subject. We will follow up with you directly.

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